Wednesday 12 May 2010

New Politics? Not Likely.

Nick Clegg, freshly installed as deputy PM and resplendent in liberal yellow tie has told us, "this is what new politics looks like." Excuse me for thinking it looks shockingly old hat.
As always, political avarice is the name of the game, with the Lib Dems grabbing unwaranted cabinet posts, hand over fist. It's not the self-serving, power grabbing, but the barefaced hypocrisy that bothers me.
The Lib Dem machine has the Conservatives over a barrel regarding proportional representation.
And yet, they have slyly suceeded in negotiating an obvious over-representaion (in numbers, at least) in the cabinet, despite their claimed passion for fairness.

Dave Gets a Clegg Up.

There were a number of cheering supporters waiting outside the gates of Downing street, as David Camerons' car hove into view. More than the maladroit, departing Mr Brown would have expected to see. If his MPs were to be believed.

Since the exit polls produced that bleak prognosis for the New Labour regime, their every move was centred around scuppering the embryonic Con'/Lib' coalition that was forming under their noses.
Every Labour sound bite was aimed at letting us know what happy bedfellows they and Nick Cleggs Liberals would be. The poor sods seemed almost able to trick themselves into believing that such a lash up was viable. Some even appeared to persuade themselves of the notion that 258+57 was, in fact, greater than 326. With mental arithmetic like that Blairs', long ago cries of, "Education, education, education!" appear to have gone unheard.